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Not a bug

Virtual values are generating numbers even from missing values - ruins the graph scaling

Minipilot 8 months ago in Dashboard and Widgets updated by Support Manager 8 months ago 1

I am using D280 sensor to measure Dew point in the room.

For this, I made a virtual value to show in a graph:

(243.04 * (Math.log(d.T2/100) + ( (17.625*d.T1) / (243.04+d.T1) ))) / (17.625 - (Math.log(d.T2/100) +( (17.625*d.T1) / (243.04+d.T1) )))

However, my device sometimes loses signal for a minute or two. Which shows as nothing on a graph of temperature, because that is a direct measurement. That is ok.

What is not OK is, that the virtual values work even with missing numbers - and display zero in graph, which both ruins the scaling and is incorrect.

How can I fix this? Something to do with IsNaN() in the virtual value definition? But how to assign NaN as output? (presuming that using NaN will not display itself in the graph.

Image with details here:



D105: Тахометр

Олег 8 months ago in General questions updated by Support Manager 8 months ago 1

Чи може D105 працювати у режимі тахометра? Наприклад, вимірювати частоту обертання вала імпульсним датчиком та переключати контакт реле, якщо частота обертання вала не відповідає встановленій з урахуванням гістерезису.


MQTT Prefix setup without old MQTT DASH app.

NRGConsultant 8 months ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 8 months ago 1

Dear Smart Maic Support,
we recieved the device 103D.

I was able to bring it online in a very short time.
We are using our own mqtt server.

Do you have any beta software, where we can setup the mqtt metrics as the main topic:

MQTT prefix

MQTT Dash is too simple and old to setup large amount of devices.
Thanks for your answer in advance


В роботі датчика тиску спостерігаються стрибки тиску

Роман 9 months ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 9 months ago 1

Періодично датчик тиску показує в 10-15 разів вищі показники тиску, ніж це є на манометрі. В чому може бути проблема і як це вирішити? 


D105 and sharky 775 pulse output

Sami 9 months ago in General questions updated 9 months ago 3

Image 1847

This is the output module that should give the pulse. I'm not sure how to connect this to D105.

I tried to connect like the 2-wire version, but that does not work. Do i put a resistor between the +5v and the pulse output?

Thank you
