
Measure, Analyze, Control ... ask, answer, suggest.


D103 G3 issue after grid outage and other concerns

J5TPM 2 months ago updated by Support Manager 2 months ago 1

Hello all.  New user here, greetings from Ireland.  I have recently installed D103 G3 Extended version on single phase network with 2 CT's monitoring other circuits in the house.  All was OK and installation was relatively easy and setup OK.

We had during this week, short period of power loss on the grid.  When the power was reinstated, the device failed to reconnect automatically to the WiFi.  Only this evening I had to investigate as there was no data on the dashboard and device was in "Waiting" status, despite my router showing it as an attached device.  However, after waking up WiFi on the D103 and connecting, the WiFi was not connected but my router showed it as attached with correct IP address.  I had to manually reinstate the connection to the router from the device interface.  But the device still would not talk to the server, until I then performed restart of my router, then everything worked normally.

My question is, should the device reconnect to WiFi automatically by itself once grid power is restored and device starts again?

Second issue I note is with dashboard.  How is it possible or is it possible to lock each widget in place?  Sometimes when you scroll on the dashboard from iPhone, it moves the widgets around on top of each other and you have to take care to relocate them back to original position again.  I have tried "Lock Back" function but it does nothing.  Is there some setting to lock the widgets in place on dashboard to prevent unwanted movement?



Change Billing Period/Cycle

Saad 2 months ago updated by Support Manager 2 months ago 1

Is it possible to change the billing period? My electricity bill period starts from 22nd of the month till 21st of the month. Whereas the dashboard calculates it from 1st till 30/31st of the month. And as a result I have to manually calculate my monthly bill in the excel. I was wondering if there is a way to change the billing cycle.


Mqtt interval time

vik_dunav 5 months ago updated by Support Manager 3 months ago 7

Is it possible to change tpoic interval time while using mqtt? I want to make it 300 seconds


инвертор Kostal и Тепловой насос Daikin

Oleksandr 3 months ago updated by Support Manager 3 months ago 1

Здравствуйте, возникла необходимость утилизировать солнечную энергию, которая была не использована для нужд домашнего хозяйства, для нагрева ГВС и отопления и холодоснабжения дома. 
1. Инвертер Rostal Piko MP plus 4,6 - 2шт в комплекте с аккумуляторами BYD и Smart metter
2. Тепловой насос Daikin Althemia 3 8кВт. с платой расширения для подключения солнечных инверторов. 
Проблемма: в инверторе не предусмотренн выход для подключения умных нагрузок, его нужно реализовать на базе доп контроллера. Возможно ли это с применением Smart maic?

Image 2070

Image 2069


Збирати дані на власний сервер

Ростислав 6 months ago updated by dimbaida 5 months ago 3

Підскажіть чи можливо збирати дані на свій сервер, чи це можливо лише організувати за допомогою АРІ-колів до пристроїв? Я б хотів зафайрволити та колектити дані на свої стороні.